Thank you Seventh Generation for allowing me to review your products.
Six months ago I started my switch to all organic cleaners, including my dish soap, and I have found that Seventh Generation has the best products out there! I can actually use the shower cleaner in my son's bathtub, it cleans just as well if not better than any non-organic products, and it is so safe and natural that I was able to simply rinse the tub and he could get straight in. You could only smell a clean smell, not a chemical cleaning product smell. I get sick from smelling all of those chemicals, and I was worried my son would be the same way which is why I switched, and I can walk into a room after just cleaning it all over with Seventh Generation products and it doesn't affect me at all.
Seventh Generation makes lots of great products for you to clean your home and maintain it on a daily basis, some of my favorites are their Natural Shower Cleaner, the Natural Dish Soap, and the Natural All Purpose Cleaner! They also make baby products such as diapers, wipes, training pants, and detergent!
Are you ready to make the switch? You can get coupons on their website, and the products are actually very reasonably priced, very competitive with the other products that are out there! Make the switch to organic today, and the environment and your family will thank you!
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